Baselworld day two – Ikepod

Day two at Baselworld was again a very exiting day. I got the chance to see the entire Ikepod collection, talk with Linde Werdelin and shoot some photos of their novelties, talk to where Elizabeth Doerr is going to run the English section and visit a cocktail party from Maurice LaCroix and Wallpaper magazine.
One of the Ikepod novelties isn’t a watch, it’s an hour glass. Yes, an old fashioned hour glass, however it’s huge… and really beautiful. The Ikepod Hour Glass is designed by Marc Newson, who is also responsable for the design of the entire Ikepod collection and the Jaeger LeCoultre Atmos 561, that was released for the Atmos’s 80th anniversary.
The Hour Glass is almost 7 kg heavy and blown by mouth, which is an incredibly difficult job. Price is around € 15.000 so it’s not cheap, but it is really very BEAUTIFUL.
Although Ikepod has known a few turbulent years, they are back on track. The new model, Solaris, for this year is again designed by Marc Newson. The Solaris is a quartz watch with a ceremic case that can be worn on two sides. I think it’s a nice design-watch that actually looks nice, for both women and men.
Of course, the Ikepod Megapode is still part of the collection…. and I still want one. However with a starting price of € 12.000 it will take me a few years. The Megapode is a watch you really have to see in the metal. It’s a round watch, like most watches, yet so different and cool 🙂
Next was Linde Werdelin….