Weekly Watch Photo – d.m.h

This weeks Weekly Watch Photo comes from d.m.h or the man behind the brand, Fred Dingemans. Besides being a great watchmaker, Fred also makes beautiful photos! This one is of his 3-Hand model.
d.m.h is a true independent! While the d.m.h website is being updating Fred used a photo that I think, captures the spirit of his watches very well. Industrial, rustic, craftsmanship, rugged, vintage and functional. This 3-Hand model is photographed on the porch of his home in the Netherlands.
Earlier I already showed a jumping hour model and explained about the Tenor Dorley movements used in the d.m.h watches. There is also a d.m.h Fusion with jumping hour and a minute and second hand. Here are two more d.m.h Jumping Hour models with different dials. Also photographed by Fred Dingemans.
When the d.m.h website is finished I will share this with you, but there is contact info and a short description.