You’re invited to the Alexandre Meerson D15 Mk-1 GMT Launch Event in Paris

You’re cordially invited to the Alexandre Meerson launch event, where the new MEERSON D15 MK-1 GMT will be introduced. The exclusive event, that will be held on the 18th of June in Paris, will be open for a select number of Monochrome readers. Be fast and register, so you will be able to see, and try, the new Meerson D15 Mk-1. Of course the elegant Meerson timepieces like the Altitude Premiere and Altitude Officer will also be there, so you can see how it fits your wrist.
When we first met Alexandre Meerson, we knew his watches were very elegant. The big surprise, when strapping the Alexandre Meerson Altitude (both the Premiere and Officier) on the wrist, was that the quality of the construction and finish is superb. These timepieces have a superb quality and a real high-end feeling. Logical when you know that the watches, and movements, come from the same supplier as Parmigiani – movements from the Vaucher Manufacture, cases from Les Artisans Boîtier, and dials made by Quadrance Habillage – which are on the top level of their game.
We are definitely looking forward to meet you and sure that you’ll be the very first to see and handle the new Meerson D15 Mk-1 GMT! If you want to join us on Thursday the 18th of June, in Paris, please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you with details soon (place: in the center of Paris – Time: around 19h30).
Monochrome et Alexandre Meerson vous invitent à un évènement rare. Après avoir lancer sa première gamme de montre, les Altitude Premiere et Altitude Officer, MEERSON revient en force avec un second modèle, orienté voyage et sport. La première rencontre avec Alexandre fut un moment surprenant et qui nous laisse encore aujourd’hui un sentiment de grande qualité et d’élégance. Il est temps maintenant pour vous de découvrir en personne l’homme, ses premières créations et en avant première, la nouvelle Meerson D15 Mk-1 GMT. Venez rejoindre Monochrome le 18 Juin à Paris en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous. Nous reviendrons vers vous avec plus d’informations rapidement (lieu : Paris Rive Gauche – Heure : à partir de 19h30).
[contact-form to=’[email protected], [email protected]’ subject=’Alexandre Meerson D15 Mk-1 GMT Launch Event’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Your watches (tell us which watches you own%26#x002c; so we know more about your taste)’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]