Weekly Watch Photo – Ochs und Junior

When it comes to luxury and the watch industry, there seem several paths that can be chosen. There’s the path of old-fashioned manual work on stupendously beautiful finished movements, and there’s the path of marketing. There however another path that I actually wasn’t aware of until I met with Beat Weinmann, quite some years ago. Together with Ludwig Oechslin he created the legendary MIH Watch, and later they started Ochs und Junior that takes their approach even a step further. In today’s Weekly Watch Photo we’ll show you some of the latest models from Ochs und Junior, which are the perfect examples of their take on luxury.
As our contributor Max Reddick so perfectly explained, luxury does not have to be all gold, glitter and glamour (read his story about Luxury 2.0 here). There’s another type of luxury that can even feature a rusty dial, an untreated brass dial, or an annual calendar that comprises just 5 parts instead of the 100+ parts used in pretty much every other annual calendar. This is also a kind of luxury without a beautiful polished and satin-finished case, and without faceted hour markers, hand-guilloche dials and superbly finished movements. This is however the kind of luxury that allows every customer to choose whether they want a titanium or solid silver case. They can choose any colour of dial, hands, and strap. And if that’s not enough, there’s a variety of treatments that you can choose from to get a rusted and otherwise patinated dial.
It’s the luxury of choice! Ochs und Junior’s style is raw, no finishing, and complications have to be achieved with as little as possible parts. I personally fell for their charm and own the Two Time Zones, as it’s called now-a-days. When I got it, some years ago, it was called Due Ore, and it had different dial and hands. A full review of my ‘old’ Due Ore can be read here, and soon our contributor Robin will do a review of the very same watch now it has been updated with a new patinated dial.
Last summer we asked several small indie watch brands to send us some photos, for us to use in the Weekly Watch Photo. They have already been featured quite a few times in this series, so enough to enjoy. However here’s Ochs und Junior’s new set of photos, featuring their latest models.
More info to be found on www.ochsundjunior.ch